
Tuyeni Akanke

3 Events 0 Followers
I am a 30 year old woman who has healed from life's traumas, and who continues to heal while matriculating through the challenges of life. I know what it feels like to think you have it all figured out, and still not be fulfilled when you reach your goals. I know the heartache and pain you experience when hurt haunts you. And I also know what it feels like to heal yourself.  This event will be held at Lax Energy Worx Lax Energy Worx is a wellness club that provides our members with an abundance of positive energy. We grant our members access to a wide network of licensed professionals such as experienced holistic healers, massage therapists, motivational speakers, yoga instructors, and more! Lax hosts a variety of monthly events such as a poetry open mic, healing workshops,  a vegan chef showcase, and more. Becoming a member of Lax grants you access to all Lax's sister locations, our monthly Pure Positive Energy (PPE) events and workshops. Join Lax Energy Worx and elevate your inner self today!
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